Word Count Tracker

Check here to see how far I am in reaching my goal of 100K words this month! My ultimate goal is to finish the first draft of Legacy by Summer 2019!


  • 4/9/2019: I am almost to 60K words and I don’t feel like I’ve hit my halfway point but my goal is 80-100K overall. It may be that I am actually 2/3 of my way through the plot afterall, we shall see, and some of what I want to put in the book may be shuffled to book three (I’ll have to brainstorm with MH Elrich and J about that!) so I may be closer to finishing than I think! Still want to finish soon, maybe by June? but we’ll see!
  • 3/27/2019: I am just shy of half-way through my plot points! The action is rising and the characters are learning about themselves. This is such a different experience from The Promise as I am writing from the beginning with less influence from my friends. I feel more in control of this story and it is a bit more fun. It almost makes me want to make this book one and The Promise as a prequel. We shall see. I do love Silver, but Talon has been fun to write!
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