Reviews of C. M. Fritzen’s books

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ps review

The universe created by C.M. Frizten in The Promise is distinctive and inventive. Populated by a host of characters, many whom are shifters; dragon -shifters, werewolves, werecats, Polivorns and rat-hybrids just to name a few.

The story begins as a tale of revenge with the main protagonist, Zaiver Silver White, setting out to kill the Dragon-shifter who slaughtered his father. He’s a juvenile werewolf who can take on a number of forms including that of a Light Wolf. And he possesses special abilities to utilize light and dark powers which sets him apart from others in this fantasy realm.

Being young and not very skilled, Zaiver gets into a lot of trouble. Sometimes while coming to the rescue of others which works well and adds tension. I liked the fact that the author played around with the tropes; instead of casting Zaiver merely as a vengeful werewolf, he’s also quite chivalrous.

Told through multiple POV’s, the author sets up a method of giving narrative information about other characters without taking on an omniscient tone.

The writing of the first two chapters veered into “telling” territory rather than “showing.” But as this was also where the author laid the foundation of this new universe I can appreciate the need for establishing the backstory quickly. As a writer I noticed but as a reader I wasn’t overly worried by the style.

According to the end notes, C.M. Fritzen is a geometry teacher and as soon as I read that — something clicked in my brain about the mathematical symmetry of The Promise. Each chapter is a fairly consistent length which gives the book a nice rhythm. The book is divided into two parts as the story broadens from one of vengeance into something much greater.

I would highly recommend the book for a wide range of readers, from preteens to young adults.

cn review

The entire book revolves around the young werewolf Zaiver, who is also named Silver White, and the promise he made to himself to revenge his father’s death. His target is no other than the dark lord Nis, a dragon whose desire is to conquer the world. But Zaiver’s concern is not only revenge, but he is also tormented by his mother’s abandonment while he was a pup. At first, while struggling to quench his thirst for revenge, Zaiver finds love. And, as long as he receives love, his obsession is kept in check. As the story progresses and the plot gets increasingly complex, the reader soon finds out that Zaiver’s revenge is not an isolated event, but a part of a universal plan. He is not just a creature among many other creatures willing to make justice to themselves by killing the evil dragon emperor, but a tool of the supreme deity in a universe that heads towards chaos. The main character experiences many dangerous situations that threaten his life, and everything ends with a final battle between good and evil, impressively put in words by the author. The book is well-written, it has a good tone and it is easy to follow given that the narration mainly follows the main character. And, although it does not seem like much, I appreciate the fact that the author divided the story in many and small chapters. It helps the reader a lot.

I found “The Promise” to be a very enjoyable read, I must say. Besides the fact that it is very well-written, it also feels very organic; the story flows and captivates. It plays with universal themes, yet gives them an original feel. I found the world the author created to be very interesting.

The book follows the story of a young werewolf set out to revenge his father’s murder. The protagonist is gifted with many talents, yet beset with many troubles. He does not allow this to harden him towards compassion, however, as he tries to protect and do the right thing. The issues at hand turn out to be much larger in scale than originally anticipated though, and the story ends up being so much more than a quest for vengeance.

The characters are multi-dimensional and take on a life of their own. The use of multiple points of view also helps the reader feel more embroiled into the universe, as it explores the story from the eyes of more than just the main character. I also enjoyed the structure of the book: it makes reading it very easy and pleasurable. I would highly recommend it!

It’s a great little adventure romp! It’s surprisingly fresh for being a fantasy novel, since I feel like most fantasy novels I read end up just being all the typical tropes of the genre. It was a really fun overall, and I’d definitely recommend it

This is a courageous and thought provoking collection of free verse poetry – packed into a small book full of profound imagery and artfully sketched vignettes. The book is written mostly in English with a tiny bit in German, specifically one entry titled: Birthday in Austria. The intriguing little stories connect the reader with life themes and aspects of the human condition in the selections called: Hope, Grace, Shortcomings, and Immortality.

I enjoyed reading it and especially the poem titled: An RA Related Violation. I found it highly relatable and was pleased to see the explanation that followed. The author has an astute eye for unmasking the snags and hiccups underlying human interactions and our attempts to reestablish a sense of normalcy.

Having been a college RA myself, I recalled that there were a number of bizarre and even comical events that I had to deal with while handling freshman at USC.

This book offers engaging mental detours from one’s life if one needs a diversion. I think college students will see themselves in these pages but younger students will find insights too. Highly recommended.

luc cover

luc review

A great short story that brings to life concepts and stories that we have heard before. It paints a picture of a world full of creation and wonder and what it means to live in it. How to live and exist in a universe that is brand new, while asking the question of how we determine what the best path and direction for the future is. Do we listen to the wisdom of those who came first or allow pride to dictate our life’s path. The story weaves the narrative adeptly to paint a vibrant picture of a world before this world and brings it to life in a way that keeps you on your toes until the very end.

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